#StopCopCity Talk and Fundraiser
- February 24 @ 7:00 PM
- PO Box Collective
- 6900 N Glenwood Ave, Chicago
- 6900 N Glenwood Ave, Chicago
This presentation covers the history of the movement to stop the clear cutting of 300 acres of the largest urban forest in Atlanta for a militarized police training facility dubbed Cop City and this hemisphere's largest sound stage for private Hollywood interests. We will cover the history of the forest and the plans by the city of Atlanta and its police to kill it and develop into a dystopian world. We will offer a history of the movement, ways folks can get involved, and push for a new strategy in the movement to bring the struggle to the point of victory in stopping Cop City. We shall also pay particular attention to the subtle ways the movement has maintained a militant edge without succumbing to the state's attempts to reduce the movement's composition to its most militant components.