South Side Zine Library Launch Party!
- June 9 @ 1:00 PM
- until 4:00 PM
- Richard J Daley Branch Chicago Public Library
- 3400 S Halsted St, Chicago, IL
- 3400 S Halsted St, Chicago, IL
From @zineclubchicago: We’re thrilled to announce the launch of our brand-new South Side Zine Library! This free community resource, stocked with zines of all kinds, will be permanently housed in the Community Room at the Richard J. Daley branch of the @chicagopubliclibrary in Bridgeport. To celebrate, we’re pairing up with our pals in @brgc_punkrockapella to host a launch party featuring a Three Songs reading and performance, plus an open mic and zinemaking! Please join us for the Zine Club Chicago South Side Zine Library Launch Party featuring Three Songs with Blue Ribbon Glee Club on Sunday, June 9 at the Richard J. Daley branch of the Chicago Public Library, 3400 S. Halsted St. in Bridgeport. Zinemaking begins at 1 p.m.; the Three Songs readings and performance will start at 2 p.m., with more music by BRGC and an open mic to follow. Free! For the Three Songs performance, a trio of featured readers will each share a story about one of the songs in the BRGC punk a capella repertoire, and then the group will sing it. Our readers are: · Nikki Roberts @nikkityysplit (@localsonlychi zine) · Liz Olney @radiclearts (RadicleArts + BRGC member) · Cynthia E. Hanifin @exilefromguyville (Pulaski at Night zine + South Side Zine Library founder) · YOU! We’ll be hosting an open mic for anyone in the community who wants to tell their own music-related story. More info at quimbys.com (link in bio) Zine newbies and longtime enthusiasts alike are always welcome at Zine Club Chicago. This free event series is produced by Cynthia E. Hanifin and sponsored by @quimbysbookstore. @annajobeck designs our monthly flyers and created our logo, and she also created our visuals for the South Side Zine Library. Thank you to our South Side Zine Library sponsors: The Richard J. Daley branch of the Chicago Public Library + branch manager Jeremy Kitchen, Quimby’s Bookstore, Lucinda J. Williams @bookshelf_voyeur, and Johnny Misfit.