Soup Night in the Twilight + Film Screening

☀️ Happy summer!! July soup is UP!! Join us at McKinley Park (side note: "president" McKinley, who the park is in "honor of", was a violent colonizer; this park should be renamed and the monument destroyed) on Thursday, July 27th at 6pm. We'll have soup night conversations from 6-8:30pm and watch a movie with Solidarity Cinema at 8:30pm! ☀️ Join for either part but please try to arrive at 6 if you want to join for the lightly facilitated conversations. All are welcome! ✨ Check back for a more specific meeting location, access info, and what movie we’re watching! 🎥 We are convening soup night to build spaces to consistently come together and cross pollinate ideas, build stronger networks across crews, groups and campaigns, and slow down and tend to the very center of our work: our relationships with one another. 💕💕 Soup aims to be a monthly practice with a couple guarantees: soups, fire in the cold times, and loose structure to connect around shared values, the justice & movement work we do, and what is going on in our communities right now. We invite you to bring whatever excites you to soup! Your questions! Your zines! Seeds and seedlings! Your announcements, your crew, your family. We hope overtime soup can evolve and change shape as we build this practice in collaborative ways. 💫 Please bring your own soup bowl and spoon if you can! We will have some to share. 🥣